Gillingham 2008

25th October 2008
Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park Garden Centre Gillingham, Dorset

Mangold Event at Orchard park

Right: Specially-commissioned plates were awarded to the winning Senior and Junior entries. These were made by Spotty Pots who are based at Orchard Park - why not visit and try your hand at pottery painting?

Mangold Display at Orchard park

The Weigh-in and Prizegiving...

This now traditional event took place in ideal weather conditions - blustery, overcast and threatening rain. Just like Somerset!

Despite adverse growing conditions this year, an encouraging number of entries were received for the mangold-growing contest.

The weigh-in and prizegiving was followed by an open mangold hurling contest in which mangolds of all sizes were provided so everybody could have a go. Exciting action pictures below!

Mangold Trophy at Orchard park
A senior entrant with his mangold

The winner of the senior prize for the heaviest mangold proudly displays his winning root.  This gentleman, who is 89 years old, narrowly missed first prize last year - a consistent performer!

Mangold Display at Orchard park

The crowd goes wild as the Senior class winner displays his plate.

Mangold Display at Orchard park

Richard presents the prize for the most interestingly-shaped mangold.  Unfortunately it is not actually in the picture, but you may rest assured that it was indeed interesting.

A junior entrant with his mangold

The winner of the Junior class receiving her prize from Managing Director Richard Cumming. This was the heaviest Junior mangold despite having been attacked and partly eaten by something, probably a slug.

Mangold Display at Orchard park

This lady had the most aesthetically pleasing mangold. It has a nice shape, a long root and a lovely orange colour.  She puts it down to the fine soil in her garden.

... and the Mangold Hurling!

Gillingham Mangold Kkng 2008
Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park 2008

Above: This year’s Mangold King poses with the ennell, a sort of ceremonial mangold- carrying device.

Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park 2008
Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park 2008
Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park 2008
Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park 2008
Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park 2008
Mangold Hurling at Orchard Park 2008
Help! I'm facing the wrong way...
Nice Wellies!