
Britain Goes Mangold Hurling Mad!

Dateline Somerset 1st October 2006

Britain is in the grip of what can only be described as mangold hurling fever. Fuelled by media frenzy, new Mangold Hurling Clubs are springing up all over the West Country and beyond. The number of competitions taking place this year is estimated to be about 6,500% up on last year although it is difficult to obtain accurate figures since most Clubs would rather not make themselves known to the Association in order to avoid paying the annual affiliation fee which is only five (5) Guineas.

But this resurgence of interest in the ancient sport has created a problem - there simply aren’t enough mangolds to go round! The mangold is rarely grown as a fodder crop these days, and the Association has been inundated with enquiries about suppliers. Please, if you grow mangolds or you know someone who does, do your bit to promote this great British tradition and get in touch with the Association now!


Wembdon, the epicentre of mangold hurling